If you plan to travel during the Halloween season, get into the spirit (get it?) And stay in a haunted hotel. It's just like regular hotels, unless you spend a terrifying night with all lights on as a ghost invaders walk through the walls of your room to listen to your most intimate moments. If this sounds appealing for some reason, check the hotels on our list of 13 most haunted hotels in the world ...
Banff Springs Hotel - Alberta, Canada Dying gets a bad wrap. Look at the positive: no need to go to work anymore.However, not everyone hates their job. One of those people was Sam, a Bellman at the Banff Springs Hotel. He loved his job so much that he returned to work ... after his death (to get a life, dude ... oh, wait ...). That's right, Sam white-mustachioed Bellman still wanders the halls of the hotel, helping guests locked out of their room and doing favors - without even having to ask for advice. Other ghosts of the hotel is not so useful. In 1932, a daughter died on her wedding day, when the dress caught on fire and fell down the stairs. Now the ghost can be seen dancing alone in the dining room, and generally pushing guests. But the most frequent ghostly activity occurs on the eighth floor. Rumor has it a whole family was murdered in room 873, including a little girl whose fingerprints could not be wiped off the mirror. Seeing how visitors will find it extremely creepy, the room was sealed off with bricks and the wall painted over to hide its existence. Although no one can go into the room and the hotel refused a room, guests report hearing noises coming from room 873.
Castle Leslie - Monaghan County, Ireland
In 2002, the favorite legged Golddigger all, Heather Mills, married all third favorite Beatle, Paul McCartney, Castle Leslie in rural Ireland. But this is not the scariest thing about this place. Is said to be haunted by a handful of family members of the famous Leslie, many of whom lost their lives in the castle more than 300 years of history. Even from a young man named Leslie Shane, who died in a war, he returned to the castle as a ghost to watch over the lake (obviously sensing the need for a life guard at the lake). But perhaps the most famous ghost face isn'ta hotel ... This is a dog named Punch.
The idea of a tall handsome man who shows up in your hotel room and asking "wait for me?" Sounds attractive to some travelers love ... but things get scary when it suddenly disappears into the air. This man is just one often sees ghosts haunt the Crescent Hotel. There is also an Irish stonemason who frightens guests in room 218, where he fell and died during construction; Guests complain hitting the walls, lights turning on and off, and the specter of human hands reaching out from the mirror. Then there is a woman who often appears in Room 419 and introduced herself as a cancer patient guests and housekeepers. That's because back in 1930, a man named Dr. Normal Baker converted the hotel into a hospital, promising to treat patients with cancer ... but it was all a sham. Many people lost their lives in the hotel because they do not receive proper cafe, including a woman at 419. Unfortunately, she is stuck with Dr Baker, who have never left. It is sometimes seen in the recreation room of the hotel, in the same place where he spent time often does not help cancer victims promised help.
It is not uncommon for areas in and around Gettysburg to be haunted by the spirits of dead Civil War soldiers, but what does the Farnsworth House Inn so special is that it is haunted by 14 ghosts. During the Civil War, Confederate soldiers used this house as a fortress sniper. In a tragic incident, a soldier was accidentally killed a policy called Jennie Wade? That young soldier said to remain at home by remorse. After the incident, the soldiers gave away their hiding place and many were killed in a shootout - the building is packed with over 100 bullet holes that can still be seen today. There's even a nurse named Maria, who continues to console soldiers in the afterlife, and a ghost of a young boy who was run over and killed by a horse and carriage in front of the house.
The Hotel Heathman - Portland, Oregon
The Heathman Hotel is famous for its restaurant, luxurious accommodation ... and a ghostly resident. The legend says that not long after the hotel opened in 1927, a woman fell from room 703 and fell to her death. Now, the woman is haunting all the rooms passed on the way down to sidewalk. Guests staying in any room that ends in a "03" noises heard the report, objects moving on their own, cold spots, and if the room 703, a ghostly face peering out from the corner of the room . We sincerely hope the hotel staff telling visitors about this before staying in that room, because nobody feels comfortable with the idea of a ghost watching them do it.
Four ghosts haunt the Le Pavilion have been over 100 catalouged sightings and incidents. The most frequently seen ghost is Adda, a teenage girl who was killed by a horse and carriage just before it was ready to board the ship with her family.Sometimes visitors see Ghost manifest the spirit of the old room on the third floor, calling for a walk on the docks. The second ghost is a prankster who wears bell bottoms and walking barefoot through the halls; He likes to rip the leaves from the bed thing and move around the rooms of people. The other two ghosts are a happy couple walk around the hotel holding hands, although we are not sure how happy was in real life, because they stayed in different rooms. former hall on the fourth floor often smells like cigars he smoked, even when no one is inside (can not leave a bad habit, even when you're dead), and former girl's room on the third floor often smells like her rose fragrance.
Lizzie Borden Inn - Fall River, Massachusetts
The Lizzie Borden trial was like the OJ Simpson trial era. In 1892, Lizzie was accused of killing his father and stepmother with an ax in their home. Although the overwhelming consensus was that Lizzie did, was eventually acquitted (obviously with the same "if the glove does not fit, you must acquit" defense). Today, visitors who do not wish to enjoy a restful night's sleep can stay in rooms where the bodies were discovered. Many have reported seeing clouds of black ghost, heard noises, feel cold spots, and some have even seen the body shape indentation in the bed where her father was murdered.
Ostrich Inn - Colnbrook, England
This story will make you not want to sleep in a hotel again. In the 17th century, the Ostrich Inn was a popular place for travelers. But for some reason, nobody noticed that he never left more than 60 people. This is because the owners installed a secret trap door under the bed in what is called the "best room" in the hotel. This room was directly above the kitchen. When customers get to sleep, the owners will open open the trap door and tilting the bed so that customers will slide into the boiling cauldron.Many of the victims still haunt the Ostrich Inn, presumably to make people realize how ridiculous it is unobservant (seriously, no one realized that people were going in and not come out! ").
District Hotel - New Orleans, Louisiana
Every time a hospital converted into a hotel, looking for problems. And this is exactly the case with the provincial hotel. It was once a Confederate hospital during the Civil War, and many of the soldiers who lost their lives within the walls have never left. But here is what is really frightening: that a soldier has a thing for country music.Whenever the radio is on the classic ghost changes quickly into a country station. And if the guest insists on changing the channel back, is already known for its implementation and to scare them away from the radio. Do not mess with a ghost dig country music (really hope that is not the preferred style of music in the afterlife).
Queen Mary Hotel - Long Beach, California
When the RMS Queen Mary was in service, only dealing with a tragedy (when it crashed into another ship and killed people in the boat). Strangely, it is experienced more tragedy because they are permanently moored in Long Beach. As is usual in California, most of the hauntings take place in the pool. A young girl who drowned in the second class pool now haunts the first group class (because it is easy to get past the bouncer as a ghost). It is accompanied by another woman who was murdered in the room change the first position of women. Along with walking around the pool, leaving wet foot prints on the deck and making noises ... ejected even when the pool is empty. Some guests have even seen the ghosts of women who wear swimsuits of the season where they lost their lives.
Schooner Hotel - Alnmouth, England
The Schooner Hotel has won twice the title of Most Haunted Hotel in Britain, thanks to more than 3,000 ghost sightings over the years. The hotel was the site of many suicides as murders and massacres - some involving babies thrown into the fire - that 60 individual ghosts reside property. To get revenge, you freak out visitors making eerie noises, turning on electrical devices for opening and closing the doors and sometimes manifests itself in ghostly form.
Stanley Hotel - Estes Park, Colorado
Remember "The Shining"? Well, Stephen King conceived the idea for this book during a stay at The Stanley Hotel. The freaky thing is, he did not know the place was haunted after he began to study the idea. You got the idea because he heard the ghost voices of children running through the halls, or had a meeting with the alleged "phantom thief" who steals jewelry people (think the thief is really just an employee wearing a white sheet and pretend is a ghost). The hotel is also believed to be haunted by its former owner, Freelan O. Stanley, and his wife, Flora. Obviously Flora liked to entertain guests, and continues to do in the afterlife: the ghost often seen playing piano in the lobby.
Have you ever stayed in a haunted hotel?
Banff Springs Hotel - Alberta, Canada Dying gets a bad wrap. Look at the positive: no need to go to work anymore.However, not everyone hates their job. One of those people was Sam, a Bellman at the Banff Springs Hotel. He loved his job so much that he returned to work ... after his death (to get a life, dude ... oh, wait ...). That's right, Sam white-mustachioed Bellman still wanders the halls of the hotel, helping guests locked out of their room and doing favors - without even having to ask for advice. Other ghosts of the hotel is not so useful. In 1932, a daughter died on her wedding day, when the dress caught on fire and fell down the stairs. Now the ghost can be seen dancing alone in the dining room, and generally pushing guests. But the most frequent ghostly activity occurs on the eighth floor. Rumor has it a whole family was murdered in room 873, including a little girl whose fingerprints could not be wiped off the mirror. Seeing how visitors will find it extremely creepy, the room was sealed off with bricks and the wall painted over to hide its existence. Although no one can go into the room and the hotel refused a room, guests report hearing noises coming from room 873.
Castle Leslie - Monaghan County, Ireland

The idea of a tall handsome man who shows up in your hotel room and asking "wait for me?" Sounds attractive to some travelers love ... but things get scary when it suddenly disappears into the air. This man is just one often sees ghosts haunt the Crescent Hotel. There is also an Irish stonemason who frightens guests in room 218, where he fell and died during construction; Guests complain hitting the walls, lights turning on and off, and the specter of human hands reaching out from the mirror. Then there is a woman who often appears in Room 419 and introduced herself as a cancer patient guests and housekeepers. That's because back in 1930, a man named Dr. Normal Baker converted the hotel into a hospital, promising to treat patients with cancer ... but it was all a sham. Many people lost their lives in the hotel because they do not receive proper cafe, including a woman at 419. Unfortunately, she is stuck with Dr Baker, who have never left. It is sometimes seen in the recreation room of the hotel, in the same place where he spent time often does not help cancer victims promised help.
Home Farnsworth Inn - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

The Hotel Heathman - Portland, Oregon
The Heathman Hotel is famous for its restaurant, luxurious accommodation ... and a ghostly resident. The legend says that not long after the hotel opened in 1927, a woman fell from room 703 and fell to her death. Now, the woman is haunting all the rooms passed on the way down to sidewalk. Guests staying in any room that ends in a "03" noises heard the report, objects moving on their own, cold spots, and if the room 703, a ghostly face peering out from the corner of the room . We sincerely hope the hotel staff telling visitors about this before staying in that room, because nobody feels comfortable with the idea of a ghost watching them do it.
Hotel Del Coronado - San Diego, California
Ghosts tend to haunt not bad hotels because nobody wants to stay in a bad hotel - or a dead person. However, when a hotel is four stars by AAA and named one of the Top 10 Resorts in the world, according to USA Today, it is logical that a ghost would want to hang around forever. So we are surprised that there is only a ghost haunts the Hotel Del Coronado (to be two years after going; rule position). Her name is Kate Morgan, and again in 1892, committed suicide on the beach just outside the hotel after estranged husband stood. Today, guests staying at room 3327, the room where Kate stayed, for example, lights flashing on and off, objects that float around the room and the temperature varies dramatically. Some have even seen a ghost walking the halls in the black dress who died in. Men who have hit on it using the pick-up line "Heaven said, they're missing one of the angels" is deeply disappointed when she disappears.

Le Pavilion - New Orleans, Louisiana
Four ghosts haunt the Le Pavilion have been over 100 catalouged sightings and incidents. The most frequently seen ghost is Adda, a teenage girl who was killed by a horse and carriage just before it was ready to board the ship with her family.Sometimes visitors see Ghost manifest the spirit of the old room on the third floor, calling for a walk on the docks. The second ghost is a prankster who wears bell bottoms and walking barefoot through the halls; He likes to rip the leaves from the bed thing and move around the rooms of people. The other two ghosts are a happy couple walk around the hotel holding hands, although we are not sure how happy was in real life, because they stayed in different rooms. former hall on the fourth floor often smells like cigars he smoked, even when no one is inside (can not leave a bad habit, even when you're dead), and former girl's room on the third floor often smells like her rose fragrance.
Lizzie Borden Inn - Fall River, Massachusetts

Ostrich Inn - Colnbrook, England

District Hotel - New Orleans, Louisiana

Queen Mary Hotel - Long Beach, California

Schooner Hotel - Alnmouth, England

Stanley Hotel - Estes Park, Colorado

Have you ever stayed in a haunted hotel?
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